Put Your Wellies On with… TAE Boutique | Show notes

Welcome back to the Put Your Wellies On podcast show notes. If you haven’t already, be sure to give our latest release a listen, and come take a walk with us and our fabulous guests by checking out the rest of our episodes!
On this weeks walk in Put Your Wellies On we got to talk to the lovely Alex Gorton, founder of TAE Boutique. Hear about how she turned her experience as a journalist into her own successful business through social media and blogging. We also discussed the importance of creating a work/life balance when home is your workplace. Alex had some great insights into balancing technology and family, especially when it comes to managing our own screen time when working in the digital sphere. Click play below to hear the full episode!
TAE Boutique is a curated collection of standout fashion pieces with its own online store. Alex not only handpicks her collections, but she personally tries every single item, so you know that they won’t just look great but they will feel great too. All the products she features are of exceptional quality, sourced from a variety of off-the-high-street brands across Europe. TAE Boutique is the perfect way to find unique clothing and accessories to perk up your wardrobe. Check out her Instagram @t.a.e.boutique for more style inspiration from Alex!

Alex Gorton on her favourite photos from a morning run
The Walk – Rudgwick
This weeks walk took place around Rudgwick, near Horsham. Rudgwick is a beautiful small village in West Sussex, near the Surrey border. It is full of historic old buildings, with over 90 timber framed buildings still in the area, and even has a dinosaur named after it! The Polacanthus Rudgwickensis is the herbivorous spiked dinosaur who’s fossilised remains were found by the local brickwork. The species turned out to be a unique discovery and so was named after the sleepy Sussex village where it was found.
We started our walk in the village at the 13th Century church, before walking a section of the Sussex Border Path toward Rowhook. It is possible to do a circular route between the two villages, but for a shorter walk we stayed around Rudgwick using the local footpaths. The village has several pubs that make a great final stop after your walk. There is also a popular gastropub in Rowhook, which is fabulous for a late afternoon lunch. For more walking ideas in the Rudgwick area here you can find suggested walks and more from the Rudgwick Preservation Society.
Music or birdsong?
- Alex: Birdsong
Multi-coloured or monochrome?
- Alex: Multi-colour
Big night out or quiet night in?
- Alex: Quiet night in
Beach or mountains?
- Alex: Beach
Walk or run?
- Alex: Run
Holiday at home or abroad?
- Alex: Abroad
Don’t take your wellies off just yet…
…We have plenty more walking and talking with a stellar line up of guests. Join us next week to hear about the wonderful Molly Mahon and her beautiful block printing process. You can find all our podcasts here to take us with you, whether you’re on your daily commute or walking the dogs through the great British countryside!
If you want more things welly, then you can also find Nessie’s iconic welly boot illustrations by checking out our website for hand-illustrated personalised gifts. Our original welly boot prints are the perfect way to bring the family walks into your home!