Put Your Wellies On with… St BERTS | Show notes

Welcome back to the Put Your Wellies On podcast show notes. If you haven’t already, be sure to give our latest release a listen, and come take a walk with us and our fabulous guests by checking out the rest of our episodes!
This week join us, with your wellies on, for our walk and talk with Sarah Godwin. Sarah is co-founder (alongside her husband) of the bright. colourful and much loved St Berts. St Berts design and sell the most wonderfully colourful, casual clothing and they are simply going from strength to strength. It was fascinating to hear all about how it began, how the pandemic affected their business and how they operate everything day-to-day alongside bringing up their family.
We discuss in depth the challenges of running a small business, the importance of having a vision and the St Berts journey to date. We also discuss the power of social media for small businesses and what the various platforms have done for their business. I honestly could chat to Sarah all day, we have such a similar outlook on family, business and – of course colour!

The Walk – Ashdown Forest
We met Sarah in Winne-the-Pooh territory, the Ashdown Forest. While this happened to be exceptionally convenient for us as it was right between both our kids schools, the Forest is utterly gorgeous and a great place to stretch your legs, stomp in wellies and…so it seems, record a podcast.
Originally a deer hunting forest in Norman times, Ashdown Forest is now one of the largest free public access space in the South East. It is a great place for walking and enjoying spectacular views over the Sussex countryside and is known the world over as the ‘home’ of Winnie-the-Pooh. There are loads of amazing walks all across the Ashdown Forest, for a similar walk to ours that takes you across the beautiful forest, check out this walk.
Music or birdsong?
- Sarah: Music
Multi-coloured or monochrome?
- Sarah: Multi-coloured
Big night out or quiet night in?
- Sarah: Big night out!!!
Beach or mountains?
- Sarah: Beach…oooh that’s hard but my instinct went beach. I love skiing but put me on a sun bed and I’m happy!
Walk or run?
- Sarah: Walk
Holiday at home or abroad?
- Sarah: Away, get me on a plane somewhere really hot doing absolutely nothing! The rest of the time I’m running around, it’s only when I’m on a plane and away that I feel I can relax!
Don’t take your wellies off just yet…
…We have plenty more walking and talking with a stellar line up of guests. Join us next week to hear about the amazing story behind TAE Boutique. You can find all our podcasts here to take us with you, whether you’re on your daily commute or walking the dogs through the great British countryside!
If you want more things welly, then you can also find Nessie’s iconic welly boot illustrations by checking out our website for hand-illustrated personalised gifts. Our original welly boot prints are the perfect way to bring the family walks into your home!