We always answer messages as quickly as we can – generally within eight working hours – but please bear with us at busy times.
Please only contact us once per enquiry rather than hitting us from all angles as when we get messages from multiple channels it can cause us to do things twice and slows down overall response times.
Between 10am and 4pm you can phone on +44 (0) 1342 371070 and you can email studio@thisisnessie.com anytime of day. Twitter is a good way to get the attention of our customer service team, as is the live chat on our website. During office hours you will get the quickest response from the live chat.
If you have an order on the go and you want information about its status or you need to make an adjustment to it, then please email studio@thisisnessie.com and remember to include your order number in the subject line.
We are on all the usual social media, so that’s Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest. Nessie looks after our Instagram and Facebook herself, so commenting or direct messaging via those two platforms is definitely the best way to spark up a conversation with Nessie.
If you are interested in working with us in any capacity or you would like us to attend your event or pop-up, please email office@thisisnessie.com. This is also the best email address for charity donation requests.
Finally, for all the bean counters and the people who want money off us, it’s accounts@thisisnessie.com.