Whats your New Year Resolution for 2021?

Your New Year’s plans for seeing out 2020 are likely to be very different to how they used to be. Perhaps swapping your New Years Eve party for an evening on the couch partnered with Netflix, or a monstrous New Years quiz over zoom. Along these lines I expect all our New Years resolutions will be pretty different too.
What are you thinking about for this New Year’s resolution? Or are you in the wagon of – 2020 was full of broken promises let’s not start 2021 with any!
I was chatting to the team and we’ve decided the best approach for 2021 is to fill your resolution list with easy-to-achieve, good-for-you goals. We’re talking simple mindset or lifestyle tweaks which will put us all in a better mindset.
Here are my ten recommendations of small things to add to your list to make 2021 a more positive year, no matter what the latest Press Conference announces.
- Cook one new thing each week from scratch – I’m looking to diversify in 2021 and expand all our palettes. I’ve got some lovely new cookbooks over Christmas which I’ll be trying out on the kids over the next few months
- Try a new podcast every month – Some people swap this out for a book, I’m pretty dyslexic so reading isn’t always as enjoyable for me as for some of you! I’m going to be listening to a new podcast each month while I paint. All recommendations welcome!
- Drink less alcohol – I think everyone in 2020 endulged quite a lot in wine and gin, I’m not a big drinker but I think it’s always a good idea to cleanse the system!
- Appreciate the little things – I’m going to take moment by moment next year, look out for the birds, watch the sunrise and sunset, appreciate any second I get with friends and family!
- Take the stairs – There will be a time when we won’t be able to walk up the stairs so I’m going to make sure I walk up as many stairs as possible while I can.
- Drink lots of water – I’ll be carrying around my water bottle in the office and making sure I match my tea consumption with my water consumption!
- Write a letter to myself – I read an article about self-love and communication and I kind of loved it. I think the idea of writing a letter to yourself sharing how you’re feeling, then looking back at it in a year or months time to see how things have changed. You could even make a habit of it.
- Top up the Vitamin D – As soon as it’s possible (and safe) we’ll be planning a break for the whole family to go away together, whether that’s the Isle of Wight to our shared holiday cottage over there or further afield. We need some sunshine in 2021!
- Make someone smile each day – I work with lovely customers each day who are so incredibly kind and I’m going to take some inspiration from you all and make sure I’m doing something each day to make someone else smile! Whether it’s the kids, my lovely team or just the man at the checkout when I’m doing the weekly shop!
- Learn a new party trick – I’m not sure what it will be, but I think a good challenge for the year would be to learn a new skill I can whip out at parties when we’re allowed to all get together again.