Top Tips on Writing a Letter to Santa

The most wonderful time of the year is here, and guess what? Santa is eagerly waiting to hear from you! Writing a letter to Santa is like sending a magical message straight to the North Pole.
With people all around the world asking for presents, it’s safe to say he’s got a lot to do. Why not use our top tips to make sure your letter stands out and Santa knows exactly what you’re wishing for?

Starting your letter
Santa visits children all over the world so it’s super important to let him know who you are and where you live. Put your name and address in the top right-hand corner to help Santa find you on Christmas Eve and deliver your presents.
Next, start your letter with a jolly greeting. “Dear Santa,” or “Dear Father Christmas,” would work perfectly.
Before you ask for presents you should introduce yourself and tell Santa something nice about yourself, Santa loves hearing about all the good things you’ve done throughout the year. You could even ask Santa a question if you like.

Asking for presents
This is the part where you can tell Santa what you’d love to find under your Christmas tree. Don’t forget to ask politely, Santa will definitely appreciate it. Whether it’s a shiny bike, a fluffy teddy or a sparkly wand make sure to list all the presents you want and give Santa lots of detail so that he get’s the right thing. It’s also a nice idea to tell Santa how excited you are and how much you appreciate all of his hard work. A little sprinkle of holiday cheer goes a long way!

Finishing your letter
It’s always polite to end your letter with “Yours Sincerely,” and your name. Now would be a good idea to get a grown-up to check over your letter for any mistakes, Santa would be super proud if your letter was error-free.

Time to decorate
Now that you have finished writing your letter it’s time to decorate it! Perhaps you could draw a festive picture for Santa or decorate your letter with some Christmas stickers? However you choose to decorate I’m sure that Santa will love it!

Sending your letter
Once you’ve finished decorating your letter it’s time to pop it in an envelope and send it straight to Santa. You’ll need to stick a stamp on the top right-hand corner of the envelope, write his address as neatly as you can and then put it in the post box:
Santa/Father Christmas
Santa’s Grotto

From £2.75
We hope you’ve enjoyed writing your letter to Santa and that you get everything you wish for on Christmas day.