Shop Small This Christmas

In these uncertain times it has never been more important to shop small nor has it mattered more! Many independent businesses have been affected over the last year and shopping small is an excellent way of supporting local businesses to keep them going until next year, but also supporting families and getting gifts that are made by people who truly care.
Here are some simple ways that you can shop small this Christmas.
Visit a virtual Christmas market.
Many Christmas fairs and markets are taking their business online this year, show-casing their offerings via posts and photos on Facebook. East Surrey Christmas Market, for example, has nearly 5 thousand members with a huge array of local businesses offering a wide variety of products and services.
Support your Local Farmer, Butcher, Greengrocer.
When planning out the feast you’ll be rustling up for Christmas Day why not pay a visit your local butcher or green grocer this year instead of heading to the supermarket for your supplies? You can get everything from fresh fruit and veg to delicious puddings and even the all important turkey! Many butchers will let you place an order well in advance too! We work closely with the incredible Copas Turkeys who you can order the most delicious Turkeys and trimmings for the big day from!
Support Local Florists.
Local florists have had a really tough year with lots of weddings being cancelled so when looking for a gorgeous Christmas wreath why not go to a florist, or look up your local florists website? You can order stunning festive wreaths for your front door, jaw-dropping centerpieces for your Christmas table or beautiful bouquets to send as a gift – all handmade by people that care.
Add New Decorations to your Tree
Fill your tree with Christmas Decorations from incredible designers and makers who put care into each and every one, we have a huge array of tree decorations that you can check out here.
Pledge to Shop Small for your Christmas Gifts
Gifts are where you can make a real difference, if we can just buy a couple of gifts from small businesses this year (I know sometimes it’s not possible to buy them all) then we have made a difference to a real human’s life this Christmas, and that’s not just the gift recipient!
Find a Unique Advent Calendar
Look for a unique advent calendar this year. There are so many marvellous Advent options out there from the most creative people, so instead of the £1 cadbury ones you can pick up from Tesco (or as well as!) find something a little more special to wake up to each morning. I’ve designed some gorgeous advent calendars that you can fill yourself and bring out to enjoy every year, or if you’re after something edible then you might try something from The Naked Marshmallow.
I cannot tell you how much your support in 2020 has meant to me and my family, please keep sharing the love and Shop Small for Christmas 2020