Put Your Wellies On with… This Is Nessie | Season Round-up

Welcome back to the Put Your Wellies On podcast show notes. If you haven’t already, make sure you listen to our latest episode, available wherever you get your podcasts. Catch up on all our previous episodes for more wonderful walks with our amazing guests!
On our walk today we looked back on our time with each of our fabulous guests from Season 1 of Put Your Wellies On. We have had a range of amazing business owners on the show, each with their own inspiring story, from fashion bloggers to turkey farmers. We hope that you have been able to learn from their collective wisdom, as we most certainly have! Here is a rundown of the key lessons we took away from each episode. Be sure to give each episode a listen to hear more!
Episode 2 | Kate Rowe-Ham Fitness

Kate has continued climbing mountains since we spoke, metaphorically and now literally (kind of)! She is keeping her son company in the hospital by climbing up and down the stairs for 2 WHOLE WEEKS. Their goal is to raise money by climbing the equivalent of Mont Blanc. You can support them through their JustGiving page.
Needless to say, Kate’s boundless energy and commitment to her cause is an amazing lesson to us all. We also greatly admired her honesty about herself, and how that fuels the amazing work she does around women’s health.
Episode 3 | Hopeful London
Chatting with Dominique we were really struck by the importance of support from your colleagues, whether they be a business partner or employee. It also challenged us to consider the careful balance that is needed when co-running a business. It is important to make sure everyone’s needs are met as well as those of the business. The main lesson we took away, is that we are at our best when we are supported and offering support in return.

Episode 4 | Meet You At The Barre

Sadly Jen injured her back late last year but, being the warrior she is, she didn’t let it slow her down. Meet You At The Barre is still going strong, a testament to her commitment and perseverance.
The main lesson from Jen is the power of luck, but more than that the power it takes to recognise your luck and turn it into results. Meet You At The Barre got some well-deserved luck when it became an unexpected overnight sensation. However, it is the incredible work Jen put in to take this sudden opportunity and run with it that truly inspired us!
Episode 5 | St Berts
Speaking to Sarah was an absolute joy, we loved learning about how she balanced business and family. What struck us most was how Sarah and her husband work as a team to manage a successful business and family. As a wife-husband team ourselves we thought she had some wonderful insights into the challenges and joys of working with a partner.

Episode 6 | TAE Boutique

Alex taught us a great deal about work/life balance. Working from home herself the boundary can be hard to maintain. We learned that even when working within the digital sphere, we absolutely can manage our screen time for a healthier more fulfilling family life.
She also changed our perspective on competition. Having split from her previous business partner, but continuing to operate in the same sphere, she demonstrates that competition can be collaborative.
Episode 7 | Molly Mahon
It would be difficult not to learn something from Molly, she is an absolute inspiration in so many ways. Not least that everything she has achieved she has done alongside battling cancer! Her mental fortitude and relentless positivity are something we could all learn from.
Molly is also a great example of letting nothing stop you from achieving your dreams. She gave up her previous career to take on an apprenticeship in block printing, and took it all the way to her own successful business. Perhaps the most important lesson of all is that it is never too late to learn!

Episode 8 | Copas Turkeys

We loved visiting Tom and his turkeys, it was amazing to see the business in full swing. There was certainly one lesson that stood out from our conversation, and that is how to build a seasonal business. Copas Turkeys have a very unusual business model due to the seasonal appeal of turkeys, which has many unique challenges. Hearing the innovative solutions Tom and his family has come up with to manage and grow the building was both educational and inspiring.
Episode 9 | Natasha Kaplinsky
Natasha has achieved so much over her career it was almost hard to know where to begin when we spoke with her! The overwhelming takeaway for us was how she has taken her platform and used it to further causes that she truly believes in. She is a role model for us on how to give back. She works tirelessly and is involved in so many projects, but her genuine care and effort in pursuing their visions are what captured our hearts.

Episode 10 | Oak & Rope

Jeanette was a very pragmatic and insightful guest, with a lot of down-to-earth wisdom about running a business. We really enjoyed her perspective on copycats, a problem that we have experienced firsthand. Her advice was sensible and considered and something we will certainly carry forward. Her determination is also inspiring, as it takes a great deal of grit to build everything from the ground up again after something. asdevastating as a fire.
Final Thoughts
This season we really through the focus onto balancing running a business with running a family. It’s a topic close to our hearts, and our guests absolutely did not disappoint. We have heard a great variety of approaches, but one thing always holds true: family first!
We really want to thank all our guests for taking the time to speak to us. Their honesty and authenticity really shone through. Our one final lesson is to just keep on keeping it real!

Don’t take your wellies off just yet…
…We have plenty more walking and talking planned with more wonderful guests in a brand new season of Put Your Wellies On! In the meantime, you can find all our podcasts here to take us with you, whether you’re on your daily commute or walking the dogs through the great British countryside!
If you want more things welly, then you can also find Nessie’s iconic welly boot illustrations by checking out our website for hand-illustrated personalised gifts. Our original welly boot prints are the perfect way to bring the family walks into your home!