Put Your Wellies On with… Kate Rowe-Ham | Show notes

Welcome back to the Put Your Wellies On podcast show notes. If you haven’t already, be sure to give our latest release a listen, and come take a walk with us and our fabulous guests by checking out the rest of our episodes!
In this episode of Put Your Wellies On we chat to Kate Rowe-Ham, from @katerh_fitness on Instagram, about health and fitness as you age. Kate is starting a frank conversation around the menopause, and gives us an honest and informed view into her work in promoting health and fitness amongst women from pre to post menopause. During our walk we also hear about her journey to fitness guru whilst managing being a full-time mum of three.
We absolutely loved talking to Kate, her honesty around women’s health is really refreshing. She reminded us that we all need to lead the way in understanding and accepting our bodies to inspire future generations. So, pop those headphones on and join us on our walk through the beautiful Sussex countryside.
The Walk – Danehill Valley
This week’s walk, courtesy of Kate, was a loop through the Danehill Valley on the outskirts of Ashdown Forest. The walk took us through lots of gorgeous fields and woodland, and finished up by the Coach & Horses pub. Loop walks are great routes when you have to drive to your location, as you can start and finish near your car. They also keep the entire walk really fresh and enjoyable as you never have to double back where you’ve already been, leaving more time to experience the glorious countryside around you!
We also recommend looking out for pubs near the start or end of your route. Not only can they provide great parking for patrons (always check that it is okay to park before going on your walk), but there’s nothing more motivating for the final stretch than a nice cold drink. If you would like to try walking in the Danehill Valley, you can find a route very similar to ours here.

Music or birdsong?
- Kate: Birdsong
Multi-coloured or monochrome?
- Kate: Multi-coloured
Big night out or quiet night in?
- Kate: Quiet night in
Beach or mountains?
- Kate: Mountains
Walk or run?
- Kate: Run
Holiday at home or abroad?
- Kate: Abroad
Don’t take your wellies off just yet…
…We have plenty more walking and talking with a stellar line up of guests. Join us next week to hear the inspirational journey that led to Hopeful LDN’s success. You can find all our podcasts here to take us with you, whether you’re on your daily commute or walking the dogs through the great British countryside!
If you want more things welly, then you can also find Nessie’s iconic welly boot illustrations by checking out our website for hand-illustrated personalised gifts. Our original welly boot prints are the perfect way to bring the family walks into your home!