Nessie’s Welly Wanging Challenge

And to celebrate the launch of the Olympics we’ve launched our own challenge to keep you guys busy over the school holidays! As the home of the Original Family Welly Boot Collection we couldn’t think of a better Summer challenge….Welcome to Nessie’s Welly Wanging Challenge 2021 👏
For an opportunity to win £100 VOUCHER for This Is Nessie we’re encouraging you to wang your wellies this Summer.
For those of you who have never heard of Welly Wanging, it’s great fun and a super simple game to play outside!
Here’s how it’s going to work:
1️⃣ Head out to a field/green space near you accompanied by your welly and don’t forget to bring your phone to capture the footage!
2️⃣ Pick your line, take your stance and WANG THAT WELLY as far as you can. We’d love to know how far you’ve thrown it but don’t worry it’s not about the furthest throw to win the voucher!
3️⃣ Share your video on Instagram tagging @thisisnessiecom and encourage your friends to take part too!
This competition is ALL about taking part rather than Medals! Everyone that enters the challenge will be entered into a ballot to win the £100 voucher and we’ll announce the winner on Sunday 8th August!
What are you waiting for?! Go and wang that welly!!!