Mountain Memories

It’s half-term this week and we are sending out lots of communications about the Ski Boot Range, and the team have found ourselves sliding down memory lane, so I thought we would share some of the stories that we thought of. I’ve also included a video from our family archives and a couple of stories from the team here at ThisisNessie.
And if you keep reading, you might notice that we are also running a cheeky competition if you fancy getting involved on Instagram with some memories of your own….
Mountain Narcolepsy
As a ski mad family our kids have grown up on the slopes, and although we’re not going on a family ski trip this year we know they’re full to bursting with the best stories and memories. We thought we would share one of our personal absolute family favourites. We’ve called it “Mountain Narcolepsy” and we think it completely sums up what it is to be parents maintaining a ski addiction, with children in tow…..We hope you’ll enjoy!
[embedyt][/embedyt]Jo’s Stroppy French Bloke…..
Despite skiing for years, one of the ladies here is notorious for falling over and generally causing havoc on family ski holidays. We all talk about the falling over part, but Jo is an absolute pro. On her most recent holiday, she particularly remembers falling over amongst all the teenagers on holiday with the family. Everyone busied themselves, rushing to help her up. Whilst her son laughed hysterically and provided absolutely no help at all. She also struggles more than most with ski lifts, and reasonably recently found herself in every skier’s comedy nightmare scenario. On a chair lift, Jo was the last to get off and had been slightly wedged in by everyone else, meaning that she was THAT person still on the lift after it went through and past the station….. The lifts had to be stopped while she was rescued by an “extremely stroppy French bloke”. We assume he worked there.
Angelo the Ski Instructor
Another of the team remembers going in her early 20s, and as is practically required at that age, developed a bit of a crush on her ski instructor. She spent the entire holiday getting extra lessons from “Angelo” the instructor. All of the girls in the ski school spent the holiday singing Angelo by Abba as they finished their lessons. She claims that to stand out from the crowd she had to ask for a lot of extra help with using the button lift. We’re not asking any more questions.
Have we sparked some funny memories? If so, read on…..
We’re also running a campaign over on Instagram this week. We thought we’d offer a little giveaway to keep your holiday going when you return home and remind you of those stories. Or perhaps bring the slopes to you if you, like us, are not on a ski trip this year!
To win our personalised Family Ski Boot Print all you need to do is, pop over to Instagram, then:
1. Make sure you’re following @thisisnessiecom
2. Comment tagging your ski buddy and sharing your favourite ski memory
We will announce the winner on the evening of Sunday 23rd February 2020.