#putyourwellieson in 2020

That’s it, Christmas is done and dusted. Thankfully we not only survived with minimal illness in the family (everyone seems to get some sort of illness over the holiday!), but we also had plenty of time to get out and about together with our wellies on. We are so lucky, living in the countryside. Having a dog helps. She does rather force the issue.
Which made me think, it really is time that I started talking about our #putyourwellieson campaign again. Perhaps you’ll remember that we were running a campaign and competition before Christmas to encourage everyone to get outdoors.
Did you know that the average kid in the UK spends less than one hour outside each day? That includes walking to school or the car etc and it only gets worse during the winter…This is a terrifying fact and totally NOT OK!
“ Here at This is Nessie we revolve around two core pillars. Our family and the outdoors.”
We are vowing this year to spend more time as a family outdoors, splashing in puddles, climbing trees, puffing up hills and running back down them. We had a fabulous day out this week already for Dunc’s birthday down at the seaside, we went for miles and had a lovely pub lunch. Walks are so easy, there’s no gym subscription required, and very little planning needed. Just wellies on, and out into the world. Lovely.
So where do you go and what do you do when you go for a walk? Do you have to get in the car or on a train to get somewhere for walking, or is it on your doorstep? Let me know in the comments, or better yet, get involved in our competition on Instagram!
We want to encourage you to join in being ambassadors for the outdoors, champions for family time and advocates for Boxing Day walks not just being at Christmas. Here’s the challenge:⠀⠀⠀⠀
We challenge you to go out for a walk with your family and snap a picture. It could be of you all standing in a puddle, your wellies lined up covered in mud outside the pub (as with ours in the pic above), or simply a picture of the family striding out ahead of you.
Share it on @instagram with the hashtag #putyourwellieson and tag @thisisnessiecom for your chance to win our MONTHLY prize of a Personalised Welly Boot Family Print for your family!
Have fun! I can’t wait to see your pictures!