Back to School Cheat Sheet From An Experienced Mum

Check out our 10 top tips on preparing for the back-to-school mayhem, and start the term off cool as a frozen cucumber! From all your school year dates to packing the perfect school bag, we have a range of great mum hacks to whizz them right back into the school routine.

Know Your Dates
Prepare for the academic year ahead by putting all those key term dates into your calendar right from the start. You’ll never be caught off guard by a surprise inset day again!
To get you started this year’s school term dates are (these may vary by school):
Autumn Term | Thursday 1st September 2022 | Tuesday 20th December 2022 |
Autumn Half-term | Monday 24th October 2022 | Friday 28th October 2022 |
Christmas Holiday | Wednesday 21st December 2022 | Wednesday 4th January 2023 |
Spring Term | Thursday 5th January 2023 | Friday 31st March 2023 |
Spring Half-term | Monday 13th February 2023 | Friday 17th February 2023 |
Easter Holiday | Monday 3rd April 2023 | Friday 14th April 2023 |
Summer Term | Monday 17th April 2023 | Friday 21st July 2023 |
May Day | Monday 1st May 2023 | Monday 1st May 2023 |
Summer Half-term | Monday 29th May 2023 | Friday 2nd June 2023 |

From £18.99

Get Informed About Uniform

From £21.50
School uniform can be a tricky area to master, not only can it be expensive but your little rebels will start to find every way they can to bend those school uniform rules. Start by familiarising yourself with your school’s uniform policy, and be aware they like to change them yearly! Especially look out for rules around hairstyles, jewellery, and school shoes as these can often catch you and your child out. No one wants to let a new piercing heal up or throw new shoes away, they cost your precious money after all!
Whether you agree with them or not uniforms are here to stay for the time being, so a sympathetic chat with your youngster might go a long way to helping them express themself without breaking those rules. Plus, don’t forget you can always reach out to the PTA or school board if you are concerned about any of your school’s uniform regulations.

Pack The Perfect School Bag
Preparing to go back to school can come with one very long shopping list… But don’t despair, we have some tips for packing the perfect school bag for your kids!
First off, ALWAYS take stock of what they have left from last year. One student only needs so many protractors! It’s always tempting to go big on the back-to-school multi-buys, but it’s not saving money if they don’t need it.
Second, make sure they have a comfortable and durable school bag with plenty of space for extra textbooks. However, this doesn’t mean it has to be boring. School bags are an essential way your kids can express themselves at school, so let them get colourful!
Lastly, consider buying personalised school stationery. It’s highly likely your kids won’t be the only students in their class with that specific pencil case… It’s easy to waste money replacing lost school things, so opt for unique or personalised stationery to make it easier to identify in the classroom.

From £12.50

Start Early On Their Bedtime Routine

From £16.75
Bedtimes can go a little haywire over the Summer holidays, but our little ones need their beauty sleep when it comes to the start of term. It may surprise you to know that teenagers actually need MORE sleep than the rest of us, so your teens really do benefit from those long snoozes! Therefore, no matter their age, a sensible bedtime regime is a must-have for term time.
To prepare for going back to school I highly recommend gradually reinstating their bedtime in the two weeks before school starts. This way there is no sudden shock to the system and they will be waking up bright-eyed and bushy-tailed to tackle their morning lessons.

Make School Lunches Deliciously Easy
There are lots of ways you can take the stress out of school lunches. To start with consider signing up for school meals as a simple solution to lunchtime for your kids. School dinners are continuing to improve thanks to initiatives such as Bite Back 2030 promoting healthier eating for children in the UK. UK schools also offer free lunches from Year R to Year 2, and you may even be eligible for free school lunches for your older children. You can check your eligibility here.
If school dinners don’t suit you or your child, then I have some great tips for simplifying packed lunches. Try cooking up an extra portion when making pasta or any dish that is tasty cold for a quick and easy lunch. You can also make delicious and healthy lunches in bulk at the start of the week to destress lunch prep. Preparing food from scratch is not only healthier for your kids, but also cheaper than most pre-prepared lunch options.
For the sandwich lovers amongst you, you can always prepare some delicious fillings to save extra time in the mornings when packing their lunches. No matter what they are eating remember to add a refillable water bottle so they stay hydrated throughout the day.

From £22.50

Get Serious About Cereal

From £25
Breakfast is brain food so try to make sure your kids get a balanced breakfast every morning before school. The morning school run can be a rush, which might make it tempting to not enforce a regular breakfast routine. If you are short on time try some healthy breakfast alternatives they can eat on the go or during their break time at school. Just be mindful of added sugar, as many kids’ breakfast bars are not as healthy as they first look.
A fun idea that will guarantee you know exactly what has gone into their brekkie, is to make your own cereal bars together. This is a great alternative to baking that will help them become more independent as they take responsibility for their own food. You can find tons of mouth-watering recipes online to inspire you!

Save Money On Sports Equipment
Term time also sees the start of all their favourite clubs and extra-curricular activities. These are a great opportunity for kids to try out new hobbies and socialise with their friends. However, they can also come with a hefty list of equipment and joining fees!
To save money without missing out, try reaching out to the school or organising body to buy used equipment. As older children move on there is always perfectly good equipment with no home to go to. This is also a great way to buy valium legally UK do your bit to reduce, reuse and recycle! Plus, don’t forget that what goes around comes around, so if your child has unused sports equipment consider donating it or selling it on to new kids starting the hobby!

From £19

Take A Practice Run

From £19.75
If your child is starting secondary school this year then they might be making the school journey by themselves for the first time! Try making the trip with them before school starts so they feel confident on their first day. This is also a great opportunity for you to teach them how to use public transport and about staying safe when out and about. Check that areas they are walking in are well lit for those dark winter evenings and find out where the most popular bus stops are so they can walk with other students.
If possible see if you can help them find a travel buddy before school starts, so they can travel together safely to and from school.

Get Ready The Night Before
I highly recommend you start early with this one, the younger they start the more likely it will become a habit! Try creating an evening routine to pack their bag for the next day after they’ve finished their homework. That way you can all start your day feeling prepared for what lies ahead. After all, nothing makes a morning more stressful than a last-minute rush to find textbooks and missing homework!
It can also be a good idea to get your kids in the routine of laying out their uniforms for the next day. That way you can find out ahead of time if there are any uniform disasters that might need a last-minute wash or patch-up!

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Work Off That Summer Slump

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The Summer Holidays are a fantastic break from school to spend time with friends and family and let those clever little brains take a rest. However, it can take a little while to get those brain cogs turning again for school! I appreciate that no one wants to spend the holidays doing homework, so I’ve come up with some creative ways for your kids to keep their brains active over the break.
Reading is a great hobby to encourage our kids to maintain some of their studying habits. No matter what genre they want to read, regular reading will keep them ready to jump back into school.
A Summer project can be fantastic for personal development as they explore their own interests outside of the classroom. Support their curiosity as a family with trips and activities, like galleries or craft sessions. The key to keeping things fun is to let them take the lead, whilst also taking an active role in supporting their goal. A team project is much more enjoyable than going it alone!