10 New Year’s Resolutions For 2022

New year, new beginnings. Let’s put the challenges of 2021 behind us and look ahead to making 2022 the best it can be! It’s been a tough couple of years for many of us with some unique trials, but we have pulled through together to be stronger than ever. The sky is the limit to what we can achieve, so let’s continue to support each other and make our 2022 dreams come true! Here are a few ideas to help you make the perfect, positive New Year’s resolution for 2022.

1. Learn A New Skill
Learning a new skill is a great goal for the New Year. Whether it’s personal or professional, expanding your skills will create new opportunities and build your confidence! This year I am going to learn how to be more tech-savvy so I can be my own tech support. The world is going digital and I’m making it my goal to keep up with the digital trends.

2. Pick Up An Old Passion
Life can be busy between work and family, sometimes we forget to make time for ourselves. If you feel like things have been all work and no play, try picking up an old hobby and rekindling your passion. For 2022 I plan to start playing tennis again …and of course plenty of painting!

3. Quality Time With Family
Family are our treasured friends, confidantes, and support systems, our time with them is so precious but easy to take for granted. You don’t have to spend a fortune to make the moments special, I love to get everyone together for a movie night or game night. My 2022 resolution is to make more of an effort to create those beautiful moments with my loved ones.

4. Reach Out To Old Friends
With all the lock-downs and self-isolation it’s been easy to lose touch with old friends. Loneliness has been one of the biggest challenges of recent times so let’s start off 2022 by stamping it right out! This year I am going to reach out and reconnect with all my friends so we can take on the year together. We also recommend reaching out to anyone you know who may be feeling lonely and isolated. Try volunteering for a local befriending service to help your community and give everyone the support they need.

5. Save Money For A Treat
Saving money often feels like a never-ending chore, which can be really stressful. There are a lot of pressures on how we should organise our personal finances, can you buy xanax over the counter and whilst it’s important to be responsible with money that doesn’t mean we can’t enjoy it too! Instead of adding to your stress this year, try resolving to save up an achievable amount for a special treat. It’s a great way to build good habits, and you can enjoy the rewards of your efforts guilt-free at the end.

6. Get In Touch With Nature
We are absolutely blessed to have such beautiful countryside here in the UK, from rolling hills and farmers’ fields to towering mountains and rugged coastline. Get outside and explore your local areas, and even find out more about local conservation efforts. For January 2022 I am resolving to reach 10,000 steps a day and invite you to join me as part of this year’s Put Your Wellies On challenge!

7. Take Care Of Your Health
With a global pandemic going on it is so easy to forget the bigger picture to keeping healthy. There’s no doubt that health has been at the forefront of everyone’s minds, and we all want to look after ourselves better. However, that means taking care of ALL of ourselves. If you have been struggling with any mental or physical health problems be sure to seek support from your GP whether it is Covid-19 related or not! In the meantime, we can all take care of ourselves by staying active and eating better, which is why my 2022 resolution is to always get my 5-a-day.

8. Look After Our Planet
We all share a home here on Earth, so it is our joint responsibility to take care of it. It’s such a huge task that it can seem completely overwhelming, but every little helps, so just start small. Together we can make a difference! I am resolving to continue my eco-efforts at home and in the business, to improve my personal sustainability.

9. Be Your Fabulous Self!
Often the New Year is celebrated as a time to reinvent yourself, but we believe you are amazing just the way you are. So, drop the ‘New Year, New You’ mantra and express the true you! There is no right way to look, dress or be, you just have to embrace what makes you unique. This year I resolve to embrace my quirks and continue to let you do the same with my ever-expanding range of personalised welly boot designs.

10. Pay It Forward
We deliver smiles … and you should too! A little kindness goes a long way, it’s amazing how easy it is to brighten someone’s day. Try helping out a stranger in need, being patient with others’ mistakes, and celebrating their successes (even the small ones). So this resolution is for you. I resolve to always be kind to my lovely friends, my wonderful customers, and myself. I hope you will join me!
Happy New Year!